FISH (ex-Marillion) Abschieds-Tournee & neue Veröffentlichungen

FISH (ex-Marillion) Abschieds-Tournee & neue Veröffentlichungen


FISH kommt ab Oktober auf seiner “Farewell Tour – Road to the Isles 2024“ ein letztes Mal nach Deutschland, Österreich und in die Schweiz. Vorab veröffentlicht er am 22.07.2024 umfangreiche Remixe seiner ersten beiden Solo-Alben “Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors“ & “Internal Exile“ Dies werden die finalen Releases seiner Solo-Karriere sein.

“Vigil In The Wilderness Of Mirrors”
(VÖ: 22.07.2024)
Chocolate Frog Records Company/

„Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors“, Fishs erstes Soloalbum nach Marillion, das ursprünglich 1990 veröffentlicht wurde, wurde von Calum Malcolm für 2024 remixt. Dieser neue Remix haucht dem Album frische Energie und Dynamik ein und verleiht ihm neues Leben . Der Remix hebt Fan-Lieblingstitel wie „Cliché“ und „The Company“ hervor und feiert das bleibende Erbe des Albums, während Fish ein neues Kapitel aufschlägt.


“Internal Exile“
(VÖ: 22.07.2024)
Chocolate Frog Records Company/

„Internal Exile“, Fishs zweites Soloalbum nach Marillion, das ursprünglich 1991 veröffentlicht wurde, wurde von Calum Malcolm für 2024 neu abgemischt. Basierend auf den hervorragenden Originalaufnahmen von 1991 hat Calum Malcolm „Internal Exile“ neu erfunden und es steht nun auf einem sehr hohen Niveau, ist starker und stolzer Nachfolger von „Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors“. Die Songs waren immer unabhängig voneinander kraftvoll, aber jetzt wurden sie zu einer zusammenhängenden und energiegeladenen Sammlung zusammengefasst, die ausgewogen ist und so fließt, wie es immer beabsichtigt war.

Erhältlich als 3 CD Digipack / 4 CD + Blu-ray Deluxe Edition sowie 2 LP-Vinyl Vorbestellbar ab sofort auf:

Farewell Tour – Road to the Isles 2024

10.10.2024 Hamburg – Grosse Freiheit 36
11.10.2024 Köln – Carlswerk Victoria (ausverkauft)
13.10.2024 Stuttgart – Im Wizemann
15.10.2024 Zürich (CH) – Volkshaus
16.10.2024 München – Muffathalle
17.10.2024 Wien (AT) – Arena Wien
01.11.2024 Dresden – Alter Schlachthof
02.11.2024 Karlsruhe – Tollhaus (ausverkauft)
03.11.2024 Berlin – Metropol
12.11.2024 Hannover – Capitol
13.11.2024 Frankfurt – Batschkapp
15.11.2024 Dortmund – FZW

Veranstalter: FKP Scorpio // Präsentatoren: Rolling Stone, kulturnews, event.

Das Jahr 2024 markiert das Zusammentreffen und den Abschluss einiger mächtiger Kreise, in der 36 Jahre andauernd Karriere von Fish, dem stehts rätselhaften Solokünstler und ehemaligen Frontmann der Band Marillion.

Im Oktober beginnt Fish, die Ikone des Progressive Rock und gefeierter Künstler, Sänger, Musiker, Frontmann und Texter der Extraklasse, seine Abschiedstournee “Farewell Tour – Road To The Isles“, mit der er sich nach vier Jahrzehnten voller Hits und Erinnerungen endgültig verabschiedet.

Zuvor wird er seine ersten beiden Soloalben “Vigil In The Wilderness Of Mirrors” und “Internal Exile“ als letzte Projekte auf seinem eigenen Label Chocolate Frog Record Company erneut veröffentlichen.

„Es ist ein Gefühl der Vollendung, die ersten beiden Alben meiner Solokarriere erneut zu veröffentlichen, während ich mich der Farewell Tour und meinem Rückzug aus der Musikindustrie nähere“, erklärt Fish. „Sie waren zu ihrer Zeit wegweisende Alben und die jüngsten Remixe von Calum Malcom haben ihnen neues Leben und neue Energie und eine völlig andere Dynamik verliehen. Die Schließung der Plattenfirma mit diesen Veröffentlichungen fühlt sich wie ein respektvoller und angemessener Abgang und ein dramatischer Abschluss einer Tür in meinem Leben an.“

Um diese Ankündigung zu feiern, wird Fishs beliebte Coverversion des Thunderclap Newman-Klassikers „Something In The Air“ als Single in einer brandneuen Remix-Version veröffentlicht. Seine Originalversion davon erschien auf dem Album “Internal Exile“ und wurde im Sommer 1991 von Polydor als Single veröffentlicht. Es war Fishs letzte Veröffentlichung auf einem großen Label, bevor er ein völlig unabhängiger Künstler wurde.

In den 80ern wurde Derek Dick, den alle nur unter dem Namen Fish kennen, als Sänger und vor allem als Texter für die Band Marillion bekannt. Mit Alben wie “Script for a Jester’s Tear“, “Clutching at Straws“ und vor allem „Misplaced Childhood“ mit dem Welthit “Kayleigh“ wurde der Schotte bekannt. Doch am Höhepunkt des Erfolgs stieg der schüchterne Sänger, der damals nur in Verkleidung auftreten konnte, aus und begann seine lange Solokarriere.

Bereits 2020 veröffentlichte er mit „Weltschmerz“ das Album, das er als sein letztes bezeichnete. Doch die nachfolgende Farewell-Tour fiel der Corona-Pandemie zum Opfer – und wird nun nachgeholt: „Eine Tournee als „Abschiedstournee“ zu bezeichnen, hat eine gewisse Schwere, und ich bin so froh, dass es mir gelungen ist, eine Best-of-Besetzung von Musikern aus meiner gesamten Live-Karriere zusammenzubringen. Es sind nicht nur hochtalentierte Musiker, sondern auch alte Freunde und Co-Autoren einiger meiner besten Songs. Es fühlt sich eher wie ein Hollywood-Film an, in dem sich Veteranen für eine letzte Mission zusammenfinden, als eine „Rock‘n‘Roll-Tour“.“

Der Tour bezieht sich auf einen Bauernhof auf den Hebriden, auf die sich Fish anschließend mit seiner Frau zurückziehen will, um Drehbücher und Romane zu verfassen. Schließlich sei er eher ein Autor, der singen kann, als ein Sänger, der schreibt. Aber vorher will er noch einmal die Luft der Straße atmen und seinen Fans etwas zurückgeben, die ihm über die Jahre Inspiration und Ansporn waren. Eines stellt Fish auf alle Fälle klar:

„Das wird keine dieser endlosen Abschiedstourneen sein, und es gibt keine feste Setlist. Es gibt so viele potenzielle Songs aus den Soloalben und auch von Marillion. Wir proben etwa 25 bis 30 Songs, die wir nach Belieben spielen. So bleibt es interessant, sowohl für uns als auch für die Fans, die nicht wissen werden, welche Songs an dem Abend gespielt werden, an dem sie kommen.“




2024 marks the coming together and closure of some powerful circles in the career of FISH, enigmatic solo artist for the last 36 years and former frontman of the band Marillion.

In October he begins his farewell ‘Road to the Isles’ tour in Europe before bringing it to a close in the UK in March 2025 with a string of highly anticipated shows in iconic venues across the country (see dates listed below).

Ahead of that, he will be re-releasing his first two solo albums, Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors and Internal Exile as the final projects on his own Chocolate Frog Record Company label.

There’s a sense of completion in re-releasing the first two albums from my solo career as I approach the Farewell Tour and my retirement from the music industry,” explains FISH. “They were seminal albums in their day and the recent remixes by Calum Malcom have given them a new life and energy and a completely different dynamic. Closing down the record company with these releases feels like a respectful and fitting exit and a dramatic closing of a door in my life.”

To celebrate the announcement, FISH’s much-loved cover version of the Thunderclap Newman classic hit ‘Something In The Air’ is being released as a single, in its brand new, remixed version. His original take on it featured on the Internal Exile album and was released as a single by Polydor in the summer of 1991. It was FISH’s last-ever release on a major label before he became a fully independent artist.

“I thought that with the General Election coming at us it is rather appropriate. The song was a number 1 hit for Thunderclap Newman back in July 1969 and part of the post flower power rebellion movement. A bit tongue in cheek perhaps but it’s a very resonant lyric and this version is pretty groovy indeed and a perfect anthem for a summer of change!”

 Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors and Internal Exile will be released simultaneously on July 22nd in three formats of each title. The deluxe 4 CD + Blu-ray version comes with a hardback book in a slipcase featuring 100 pages that contain over 13,000 words of brand new sleeve notes written by Fish, with artwork by Mark Wilkinson and photographs and images from throughout the eras.

The first CD of each deluxe release is the original album and B-sides remixed by Calum Malcolm, producer of Fish’s final studio album Weltschmerz, which was released to huge international acclaim in 2020. The second CD in both releases is a collection of never-before released demos, with CD’s 3 and 4 containing live versions of all the songs from different eras and band line-ups providing alternative insights, renditions and performances across the years.

The Blu-rays have Dolby Atmos and 5.1 versions of the 2024 albums mixed by Avril Mackintosh and Andy Bradfield who mixed the recent 13th Star album as well as the Marillion remaster series released by Warners in the last few years. It also contains two documentary movies filmed by David Barras and Scott Mackay; a complete in-depth introspective discussion with Fish of well over an hour and a half and another filmed interview with Mark Wilkinson on the artwork and his memories from the periods.

The promotional videos of the respective singles from the albums are also included, with the 2024 audio replacing the original recording. Finally each Blu-ray will have remastered audio of two full concerts from the 1989 -1991 period that were previously released as ‘official bootlegs’ in 1993. The four shows were since deleted but are now remastered and brought together on these retrospective odysseys across Fish’s career.

The deluxe versions are as completist as they come with nearly 100 songs on each and as such are limited edition releases. A complete track listing of all the CD’s and the Blu rays on both titles is available on Fish’s official website

Both Internal Exile and Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors are also released on ‘standard’ versions which are in hardback CD Digipaks with 48 pages of artwork and photographs. The standard versions have 3 CD’s each; CD1 the 2024 remix, CD2 the demos and CD3 a compilation of live material from across the years.

Finally there will be a double vinyl album of each title available in a gatefold sleeve with insert. The 180 gm discs have been mastered by Barry Grint at Alchemy mastering studios in London and are pressed by Sea Bass vinyl in Scotland to ensure the best quality possible. The three formats of both titles are exclusively available for pre order now from

Remixing the albums was a labour of love for Calum Malcolm who has also previously mixed the 2012 album Feast Of Consequences and most recently the stunning 2023 remix of 13th Star which he originally produced in 2007.

FISH reveals: “Internal Exile was my ‘difficult second solo album’ and the first recorded here at my studio after it was built in 1990. Chris Kimsey did a great job back then under the circumstances but we were under a lot of pressure from many sources and while the recordings were superb we were never truly happy with the mixes.

 “Calum has become an integral part of my creative team and after I heard his work on Internal Exile we both looked at each other and went ‚Why not ‚Vigil‘. Again Jon Kelly had made a fabulous recording and although I was nervous at remixing such a touchstone album in my career the results are absolutely fantastic and like ‚Internal Exile, ‚Vigil’ has been given a complete makeover and a new lease of life.

“Bringing Calum’s remixes together with Steve Vantsis, my principal co-writer who has done a fantastic job as a designer, we have worked tirelessly to create these substantial deluxe editions. I really wanted to make a statement on these issues, and they became all-encompassing on every level.

 “Putting together the sleeve notes for these releases was probably the most difficult piece of writing I’ve ever had to manage. From 1988 to 1991 was a hugely important and eventful period in my life which involved my resignation from Marillion and the ensuing legal fracas, my move back to Scotland, the building of my recording studio and a High Court litigation with a major record company, the birth of my daughter Tara as well as the writing of two incredibly important albums.

 “It was quite difficult at times retracing the dramas while at the same time listening to the demo recordings from those early days when I first moved in here with a fledgling solo career. There were quite a few poignant moments as I recounted when I was building the studio which would ultimately become my home, and which is now up for sale as I commit to the next part of my life outside of the music business as a crofter on an island in the Outer Hebrides. The irony was never lost, and I was so aware of those huge circles closing. To be honest it gave me a massive inner smile”

 “Capturing all of that in what became nearly 30,000 words required a lot of careful editing and compressing but I think I’ve managed a quite revealing read across the two albums. The deluxe versions are legacy products and in all honesty there were times when I thought we were putting in too much content as the numbers were starting to not make sense. My attitude however was that these were special and deserved the care and attention and I’m glad we did it. These are something I can be really proud of.”

 To accompany these two landmark – and final – releases FISH is making available to download the 2024 remixes of the radio edits of all the singles from the two albums as WAV files from the website.

These include ‘State of Mind’, the first ever solo single released in October 1989, which went Top 40 in the UK; ‘Big Wedge’ a Top 20 UK hit and ‘A Gentleman’s Excuse Me’ the third Top 40 UK hit from the Vigil In A Wilderness of Mirrors album. And from Internal Exile, the Top 20 hit ‘Credo’ and the Top 40 title track will also be available as well as the afore-mentioned ‘Something in the Air’ and the 1995 rerecording of ‘Just Good Friends’, a wonderful duet with Sam Brown originally released on a Best Of album and now part of the new Internal Exile remix set.

All of these 2024 remixed single edits have been added to the original promotional videos which will be themselves put up on FISH’s YouTube channel in the coming weeks.



Wed Oct 2nd 2024           Centre Culturel Opderschmelz, DUDELANGE, LUX (SOLD OUT)

Fri  Oct 4th 2024              Muziekgieterij, MAASTRICHT, NL (SOLD OUT)

Sat Oct 5th 2024              Muziekcentrum, ENSCHEDE, NL (SOLD OUT)

Sun Oct 6th 2024             Oosterpoort, GRONINGEN, NL (SOLD OUT)

Tues Oct 8th 2024           Tivoli Vrendenburg, UTRECHT, NL (SOLD OUT)

Wed Oct 9th 2024            Tivoli Vrendenburg, UTRECHT, NL (SOLD OUT)

Thurs Oct 10th 2024        Grosse Freiheit 36, HAMBURG, DE

Fri Oct 11th 2024             Carlswerk Viktoria, COLOGNE, DE (SOLD OUT)

Sun Oct 13th 2024           Im Wisemaan, STUTTGART, DE

Tues Oct 15th 2024         Volkhaus, ZURICH, CH

Wed Oct 16th 2024          Muffathalle, MUNICH, DE

Thurs Oct 17th 2024        Arena, WIEN, AU

Sat Oct 19th 2024            A2, WROCLAW, PL

Sun Oct 20th 2024           Progeresjam, WARSAW, PL

Mon Oct 21st 2024          Studio, KRAKOW, PL

Tues Oct 22nd 2024        Srtary Manez, GDANSK, PL

Thurs Oct 24th 2024        Rockefellar, OSLO, NOR

Sat Oct 26th 2024            Byscenen, TRONDHEIM, NOR

Mon Oct 28th 2024          Pustervik, GOTHENBURG, SW

Tues Oct 29th 2024         Berns, STOCKHOLM, SW

Wed Oct 30th 2024          Amager Bio, COPENHAGEN, DK

Fri Nov 1st 2024               Alter Schlachtof, DRESDEN, DE

Sat Nov 2nd 2024             Tollhaus, KARLSRUHE, DE

Sun Nov 3rd 2024            Metropol, BERLIN, DE

Tues Nov 5th 2024          La Madelaine, BRUSSELS, BE

Wed Nov 6th 2024           Trix, ANTWERP, BE

Thurs 7th Nov 2024         Philharmonie, HAARLAM, NL (SOLD OUT)

Sat 9th Nov 2024             Muziekgebouw, EINDHOVEN, NL (SOLD OUT)

Sun 10th Nov 2024          Muziekgieterij, MAASTRICHT, NL

Tues 12th Nov 2024        Capitol, HANNOVER, DE

Wed 13th Nov 2024         Batschkapp, FRANKFURT, DE

Fri 15th Nov 2024            FZW, DORTMUND, DE

Sat 16th Nov 2024           Centre Culturel Opderschmelz, DUDELANGE, LUX (SOLD OUT)



Tues Feb 18th 2025        Corn Exchange, HADDINGTON, SCO (SOLD OUT)

Wed Feb 19th 2025         Corn Exchange, HADDINGTON, SCO (SOLD OUT)

Fri Feb 21st 2025             Albert Hall, MANCHESTER, UK

Sat Feb 22nd 2025           The Halls, WOLVERHAMPTON, UK

Sun Feb 23rd 2025          Guildhall, PORTSMOUTH, UK

Tues Feb 25th 2025        The Palladium, LONDON UK

Wed Feb 26th 2025         Beacon, BRISTOL UK

Fri Feb 28th 2025            Waterside, AYLESBURY, UK

Sat Mar 1st 2025              Corn Exchange, CAMBRIDGE, UK

Sun Mar 2nd 2025            Rock City, NOTTINGHAM, UK

Wed Mar 5th 2025           Philharmonic, LIVERPOOL, UK

Thurs Mar 6th 2025         O2 City Hall, NEWCASTLE, UK

Fri Mar 7th  2025              Music Hall, ABERDEEN, SCO

Sun Mar 9th 2025            O2 Academy, GLASGOW, SCO (SOLD OUT)
Mon Mar 10th 2025         O2 Academy, GLASGOW, SCO


Buy tickets HERE

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